Rolling Dice, Losing Life

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Postovi: 5
Pridružen/a: 31 kol 2024, 15:04

Rolling Dice, Losing Life

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The casino became my obsession. Alex here, threw my life away at the blackjack tables.
Every night, the casino beckoned. The shuffling of cards was my addiction's voice.
My wife, Emily, beseeched me to stop gambling, but I couldn't resist the pull.
On that ruinous night at the VIP room, I put on the line every last penny: our life's work, our property - on a "sure thing" bet.
The cards fell wrong and chance betrayed me.
Returning to our house with not a penny to my name, I found only a note: "I can't do this anymore. Your obsession with poker has torn us apart."
Alone in an vacant apartment, I comprehended that hunting the jackpot cost me what was truly valuable.
Therapists identified a depressive condition, deepened by my losses at the tables.
Now, each day is a fight not just with the lure of the roulette wheel, but with the profound despair in my soul. Is there any way I can overcome this chasm created by the glittering world of casinos?
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